Motor City Sway Dance Challenge

Alexander Zonjic’s New Hit Single has the Motor City dancing and now the whole world is invited to join in Motor City Sway Dance Challenge “Sway to Win!” Send us a video of you doing your best Motor City Sway for a chance to win $500 dollars!
Videos must be 60-90 seconds. Phone videos are accepted. Enter as an individual or in a group! All videos must be received by 11:59pm ET on December 27, 2020.
Send your video to to enter. Don't forget to post your video on Facebook and be sure to share on Alexander Zonjic’s Facebook Page. The winner will be contacted via email.
$500 [Five Hundred Dollars US] plus more prizes below:
- One winner will be selected. The winner will be announced on Alexander Zonjic’s Radio Show “Doin the D” 910AM Superstation Detroit, Sunday January 3rd, 2021 at 3:00pm.
- Find the video to see and learn the dance by going to Alexander Zonjic Motor City Sway on his YouTube channel or by calling Phyllis at 419-280-1073 to have a dance video link emailed to you.
- Winner will be selected by a panel that includes dance instructors and the choreographers of the “Motor City Sway Dance”.
- The winner will win a box-set of Alexander Zonjic’s CD’s.
- Winning video will be posted on Alexander Zonjic's YouTube Channel, Facebook & Instagram.
- Winner will be interviewed by Alexander Zonjic on his radio show "Alexander Zonjic Doin the D".
- The winning video will be broadcast on Alexander Zonjic’s TV show, Alexander Zonjic “From A to Z” Sundays 10:00pm WADL TV-38 Detroit.
- Winner will win (6) Playing If Forward T-shirts for the whole family.